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The earliest known photograph of a human was captured in 1838 by Louis Daguerre in a snapshot. The image featured the first-ever photograph of an identifiable human form. 

2)  In 1975, Steven Sasson of Kodak designed the self-contained digital camera.

3)  First digital camera weighed 8 pounds (3.6 kg) and had a resolution of of 100 x 100 pixels (0.01 megapixels)

4)  Every day, users upload an average of 1.8 billion digital photographs.

5)  The majority of brands have a solid link between their product and their brand name. Canon, for example, is a rule, law, or principle. Olympus is the home of the Greek Gods, and Ilford is named after its birthplace. Kodak, on the other hand, has no genuine meaning. The founder of Kodak, George Eastman, thought the letter "K" sounded powerful, so he made a word out of it.

6)  Flashes are one of the most harmful photography facts. Potassium chloride and aluminium were combined by the photographers. When this mixture is exposed to a spark, it produces a dazzling light.

7)  In 1858, Gaspard-Félix Tournachon, who went by the alias Nadar, took the first aerial images of Paris from a tethered balloon at a height of 1600 feet.

8)  Rhein II by German artist Andreas Gursky sold for $4,338,500 at a Christie's auction in New York City in 2011, breaking global records as the most expensive image ever sold at the time.

9)  After that, the three photos are blended to create a full-color image. Color photography pioneer Louis Ducos du Hauron presented the first three-color one-shot camera in 1897.

10)  Thomas Sutton took the first colour photograph in 1861, using the three-color system proposed by James Clerk Maxwell in 1855. 

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